Maintenance after Keratin, Botox, Nanoplastia
It is recommended to wait 12 hours past treatment prior washing hair with shampoo.
Maintenance after Bixyplastia
Wait 24 hours prior washing your hair. The first wash must be WITHOUT SHAMPOO – rinse well the hair and apply mask.
What NOT to do with your Hair Extensions
As can be expected, the maintenance for your new hair is going to be a little bit different from your natural hair, but it is important to remember that there are some things to avoid if you want to get
Difference between Treatments
The latest technologies from Brazil that offers different formulas of Keratin treatment, Hair Botox, Byxiplastia and Nanoplastia. The choice of the formula depends on the results you are looking for.
Maintaining Hair Extensions
Keratin extensions can be the best thing that ever happened to your hair, or the worst thing that ever happened to your hair. It is extremely important that all clients wishing to try this type of extension understand that proper
Why am I getting hair extensions?
Much like the women reading these blog posts, I too am considering hair extensions. I will be having my installation very soon and I decided to include my thoughts in a separate blog post which will hopefully encourage others in
Are extensions right for me? FAQ
It’s spring again and a lot of girls out there are sick of winter and up for a change, but it’s not just the wardrobes that are changing. We are out looking for a whole new look and in my