Why am I getting hair extensions?
Much like the women reading these blog posts, I too am considering hair extensions. I will be having my installation very soon and I decided to include my thoughts in a separate blog post which will hopefully encourage others in the same boat as me.
My hair is currently medium length, with the tips of my hair touching the tops of my shoulders. I have a grown out fringe (the shortest pieces are chin length) and I’m able to collect all of my hair into a pony tail with none sticking out, or falling out with movement.
My motivations for getting hair extensions are many, as I’ve had them before and I know the huge difference that it makes. A few of the upsides are increased volume and length, increased styling opportunities, huge boost in confidence, added job opportunities (although this pertains to fewer people), and the positivity and attitude boost that comes from making a change.
The increased volume and length are a given – regardless of the length of your natural hair, you’re going to get a boost in volume (making your hair look more healthy) and obviously the most essential point here is the length. What this brings with it is a huge increase in the diversity of hairstyles that you can try out. Now this can make a huge difference in any woman’s life, and it doesn’t even have to be a one-time thing! Maybe you want hair as long as your friends but we all know, our hair doesn’t grow lightning quick overnight. Maybe you have a major event coming up and you want a long and complicated hair style but you just don’t have the length or volume for it. Or maybe you’re like me and cut your long hair off, only to realize how boring it can be to have short hair! I’m looking forward to all the diverse styles that I’ll be able to do with the extra hair, and you can check out our YouTube channel for videos on how I do my styles so that you can try them out too!
With great style, comes great confidence. My extensions aren’t even installed yet and I’m already glowing and bubbly! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been in the salon (whether for an installation, maintenance, or just for a quick visit) and I’ve seen satisfied happy clients poke their head in and rave about how great they feel. Flash back to two summers ago when I was in the chair getting a touch-up, and this gorgeous blonde woman walks in, long thick hair swishing back and forth, and comes right up to my technician and starts telling her (and me!) how much she loves her new hair. She talked about how she’s actually had the confidence to approach people like she never did before! She was smiling from ear to ear and had made the trip just to compliment the technician on the wonderful work they’ve done for her, and I’m in the same boat. It’s the little things that make a big difference, and if you can find a way to boost your confidence, it’s going to project success into other areas of your life.
A separate area for me which may not apply to everyone but will certainly have a lot of women relating: job opportunities. Having short hair (and therefore a limited amount of styles to pull off) has really limited the modeling opportunities for me in the last year. Having an increase in diversity will allow me to book more jobs simply because I have the ability to style my hair in whatever way the job requires. In other job fields, the being well-groomed makes a subtle, but lasting impression. When those around you see how well you take care of yourself, your overall image as a success is greatly increased.
And finally, and possibly most fun of all, making a change in one’s appearance almost always comes with an over-all confidence and attitude boost. This is always welcome in a woman’s life, but possibly most of all in spring, when we are suddenly more body-conscious with the change of clothing and the season’s new trends. This confidence projects a boost of vibrancy into your business and personal life. People will notice your proud strides (a spring in your step for spring!) and of course, those gorgeous flowing locks!!